Our Blog
Helpful news and information from our team.
Is Your Cat Stressed Out? 3 Signs of a Seriously Anxious Cat
Is Your Cat Stressed Out? 3 Signs of a Seriously Anxious Cat Cats are highly sensitive creatures, which means they don’t react well to change. Whether the disruption is minor, such as moving clocks ahead an hour and changing a routine or major, such as moving...
Are Hairballs Normal for Cats?
Part of cat ownership involves coming across furry, slimy tubes, otherwise known as hairballs. Depending on your cat’s hair coat length, you may encounter hairballs with such regular frequency that you become worried about your feline friend’s health. Our team at...
My Pet Ingested a Toxin. What Do I Do?
March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month, so we’d like you to brush up on the steps to take if your furry pal has been in contact with a potentially toxic substance. First, don’t panic and then follow these step-by-step instructions from our veterinary team at...
7 Signs That Your Pet is in Pain
Your furry friend can't tell you when they are in pain, and they often can hide it for quite some time. Keep an eye out for these seven signs of pain in your pet so that you can get them relief at the first hint of discomfort! #1: Decreased activity...
Diabetes in Pets
Diabetes is a very common disease in pets. Overweight and obese pets are at increased risk of developing diabetes. By knowing the signs you will be able to help diagnose and treat your furry friend as early as possible. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the body...
Foods Not to Feed Your Feline
Cats can be picky eaters, so once they seem to like something, many pet owners will stick with it. There are a few foods, however, you should avoid feeding your cat, and some might be pretty surprising. Tuna A cat fed a steady diet of tuna prepared for humans...
What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?
Although you know your female pet should be spayed to prevent a host of medical and behavior issues, as well as unwanted puppies, you may not know exactly what happens during a spay surgery. Take a look at the steps involved in spaying your female pet. Step 1:...
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Pet
2021 is right around the corner! As the New Year quickly approaches it is time for our pets to get to their New Year's resolution! We want your pets to live their happiest and healthiest lives! Here are three resolutions your pet can stick to: Resolution #1:...
Snow and Cold Weather Safety for Pets
Snow and Cold Weather Safety for Pets December is in full swing and the weather is getting chilly! Despite their fur coat, pets are as susceptible to cold and snow as people, and can quickly succumb to frostbite, hypothermia, and other winter-related...
Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?
Why Does My Dog Eat Poop? There’s a good chance you’ve seen this gross and confusing behavior in your adorable pooch—coprophagia, or feces consumption. Coprophagia is a puzzling and disgusting behavior, especially if you enjoy your dog’s kisses. Your pup may...